Saturday, November 3, 2012

You should've come to my house at 6 pm last night

I meant to post this on Thursday, but it took me till today to get a picture.  

Last night was my very first Halloween.

My family didn't "do" Halloween when I was growing up.  We never decorated, we never dressed up, we never trick-or-treated.  In fact, I think I remember missing out on some of the halloween activities in elementary/middle school because of a note from home.

When we got married, John and I never really talked about Halloween, except to agree that we didn't want to do Halloween at our place.  That neighborhood was scary!  Any kids that we might get (and we never expected any - especially after dark) more than likely went to better neighborhoods.

But this year ... we have a nice house in a quiet little subdivision, and we knew that we'd get trick-or-treaters.  And we decided ... that's okay.

So, the first order of business was decorating.

Honestly, I love fall - I love the weather, I love the colors, I love just about everything fall.  I love getting my sweaters out of storage.  So, all of my decorations are Fall decorations - not Halloween decorations.

We didn't do much.  John and I went to the store and picked out two pumpkins for the front porch.  We were going to carve the pumpkins, but then got busy and didn't get around to it.  So, we've had some pumpkins sitting on the front steps for a few weeks now.

Next, we went and bought a fall wreath to hang on the door.  That wreath makes me happy every time I see it - red and orange and glittery!


That was about it. John had a study session last night, so he didn't come home in time for trick-or-treaters.  I'd filled two large bowls of candy to give out, and changed into a t-shirt with a big pumpkin on it, and that was it for me.

Unfortunately, I ran out of candy far too soon, but that's my fault.  The first 20-30 kids who came by got a large handful of candy, before I realized that I really should be stretching the candy out.  I managed to last a bit longer when I started giving each kid 3-4 pieces of candy, but I still closed up much earlier than my neighbors.  Oh well.

I'm a little bummed about it, but considering it was my very first time EVER?  I'll know better next year.

And as far as I'm concerned?  John totally missed out.

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