Saturday, September 29, 2012

Droopy Saturday

Thank goodness we stopped at Rite Aid yesterday for more medicine!  John was insistent yesterday that we needed to go to the drugstore to get some "good medicine".  When he showed me what he'd bought, I gave him a look and said, "That's the exact same stuff we have at home that I've been giving you the past two days.  We've still got loads of it!" 

But now it looks like we're going to need it - I've come down with the same cold.  Ugh.  I got home from work and we spent the evening in bed with the laptop watching Eureka on Netflix.  John had never seen the show before, and I had only watched the first 3-4 episodes back when it came out originally years ago.  It's pretty good.  If you looking for a relatively light-hearted show with a whole bunch of psuedo-science, check it out. 

One of the reasons we like to shop at Rite Aid is because they sell dog toys for $1 apiece.  Considering Honey rips up all her toys moments after receiving them, we're not going to spend much on toys for her.  But $1 to watch her face light up at the sight of the new toy, and then play joyously with it for a few minutes?  Totally worth it.

Hopefully John feels well enough to get some schoolwork done today.  He's got quite a lot due on Monday, and because he's been sick hasn't worked on anything since Wednesday.  Me?  I'm going to spend most of the day in bed, alternating between doing laundry and resting and taking care of Honey.   

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