Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Feeling better ... Honest! *Cough Cough*

Sorry for being MIA the past several days ... I'm blaming the flu.  I've been sick with the flu for exactly a week now - my house is a mess and I'm back at work even though I keep coughing and sniffling and sneezing.

But I'm better!  Honest!

And my new favorite medicine (whenever I'm actually able to *swallow* the horse pills) is Robitussin Nightime Cold and Flu.  It's like the exact same thing as Nyquil, but cheaper.  I'm all for cheaper.

The nicest thing about getting better is the possibility of moving back into the bedroom.  I've been avoiding the bedroom completely, since the last thing I want to do is get John sick - he's had finals for the past week!  My MIL said that doing that was very sweet of me, but I told her it was a completely selfish decision.  I can hardly bear to get off the couch ... the very last thing I wanted was to have to take care of a sick John too!

Still, some rather major things came up while I was sick.  John took his finals ... he doesn't think he did as well on his first two finals - even though he didn't get sick, I think he was fighting something off.  Plus, they scheduled the tests horribly.  He then studied all weekend for his final exam on Monday - which he thinks went really well. 

After the exam, he emailed the course director about some of his classmates cheating.  Two or three of his classmates have been cheating periodically throughout the semester, and during the final they were blatant enough that - when the teacher stepped out of the room - they started talking to each other and passing papers back and forth between them.  John found it all very distracting, which helped him to decide to turn them in.  It's also incredibly frustrating when John and his other classmates work so hard to have a handful decide they shouldn't have to work as much.

As for me ... I've got big news possibly coming up.  But I don't want to jinx it, so I think it can wait for a few weeks (and before anyone asks, no, I'm not pregnant.  I wish that were it!).

And finally, I want to link to one of my favorite blogs: Filing Jointly ... finally.  Lauren has the talent to keep her blog both real and hilarious!  I think her recent post The Day Santa Claus Came to Town did more to put me in the holiday spirit than anything else this season!

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